LIGN215 – Variation in phonetics and phonology

Spring Quarter 2005

Instructor: Amalia Arvaniti



*      meetings

*      course schedule

*      instructor

*      readings

*      course content

*      requirements and grading




Requirements and grading

*   This seminar is based on readings of primary literature and review papers. It is essential that you read the assigned papers in time so that we can have fruitful discussions in class.

*   A large part of your grade will depend on your presentations in class and on your participation in class discussions. These tasks largely replace written assignments in this seminar.

*   Class papers: the final class papers will be based on projects involving the collection of data on some aspect of variation discussed in class. These projects could be based on an original idea or they could be a replication of an older study; it is also possible for the class paper to be a review paper on a particular theoretical topic dealing with treatments of variation in phonetics, phonology or both.



Class presentations:                     35% (the number of presentations will depend on the number of students)

Participation in class discussions    15%

Class paper:                               50%

TOTAL                                       100%


A general note on collaboration, acknowledgements and plagiarism: you are encouraged to work in groups, and to discuss your class presentations with other students. However, all presentations and assignments should be your own work. Any help or contribution from others should be acknowledged in a special acknowledgments section of your paper (such contribution could be an idea that changed the course of your research paper, help with data collection or analysis, etc.). Please also note that any time you use the ideas or words of someone else you should explicitly acknowledge the source in a citation and in the references. This includes material you found on the web (in which case, you can provide the website in the references).



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