Written Assignment - Kinds of Speech Acts

There are three kinds of speech acts:
  1. locutionary - speaking certain words with a particular pronunciation, grammatical structure, and meaning
  2. illocutionary - performing an act in saying something
  3. perlocutionary - achieving certain effects by saying something
Identify the following situations as locutionary (L), illocutionary (I), or perlocutionary (P), and match each of these situations with one of the 7 sentences given beneath these situations. (The same sentence can be used more than once.)
  1. __I3__ Mary made a promise.
  2. __I6__ Mary expressed gratitude.
  3. __L6__ Mary produced an utterance in French.
  4. __I7__ Mary made a declaration..
  5. __I1__ Mary issued a warning.
  6. __L2__ Mary uttered a sentence with five words in it.
  7. __I2__ Mary ordered John to do something.
  8. __L4__ Mary said a sentence that refers to going to a particular place.
  9. __I4__ Mary informed John of something.
  10. __P3/7 John looked pleased.
  11. __I6_ Mary produced an utterance that contains no verb.
  12. __P5__ John refused to answer.
  13. __P1__ John jumped out of the way of the falling suitcase.
  14. __P2__ John got up and started to move in the direction of the door.
  15. __P6__ John responded: "Your welcome."
  16. __I5__ Mary made an inquiry.
  17. __L3__ Mary created a sentence with two occurrences of the definite article.
  18. __P5__ John replied: "At nine o'clock."
  19. __P7__ John said: "I accept."
  20. __I3__ Mary made a prediction.
  21. __P2__ John started to cry.
  22. __P1__ John was deterred from making a dangerous move.
  1. Mary shouted: "Look out."
  2. Mary said: "Leave the room right now."
  3. Mary uttered: "I'll drive you to the airport in the morning."
  4. Mary whispered: "I promised to drive you to the airport tomorrow."
  5. Mary repeated: "What time does your plane leave?"
  6. Mary replied: "Merci beaucoup."
  7. Mary blurted: "Six spades."

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