S. Schane, LIGN 105, Law & Language

Written Assignment - Illocutionary Classification

              I.            Here is Searle's classification for types of illocutions:

                             A.            Assertive: an illocutionary act that represents a state of affairs.
E.g. stating, claiming, hypothesizing, describing, telling, insisting,
suggesting, asserting, or swearing that something is the case

                             B.            Directive: an illocutionary act for getting the addressee to do something.
E.g. ordering, commanding, daring, defying, challenging

                             C.            Commissive: an illocutionary act for getting the speaker (i.e. the one performing the speech act) to do something.
E.g. promising, threatening, intending, vowing to do or to refrain from doing something

                             D.            Expressive: an illocutionary act that expresses the mental state of the speaker about an event presumed to be true..
E.g. congratulating, thanking, deploring, condoling, welcoming, apologizing

                              E.            Declaration: an illocutionary act that brings into existence the state of affairs to which it refers.
E.g. blessing, firing, baptizing, bidding, passing sentence, excommunicating


           II.            Assign the italicized verbs of the following sentences to one of the five categories (A - E).

1.       ___  I hereby testify that I sold that property on July 3, l989.

2.       ___  I praise you for receiving the Pulitzer Prize.

3.       ___  I pass. (Said while playing bridge)

4.       ___  If you need a ride, I offer to drive you to the airport.

5.       ___  I request that you be here tomorrow one-half hour earlier.

6.       ___  I permit you to camp out on my front lawn.

7.       ___  I recommend that you eat less foods with cholesterol.

8.       ___  I pledge to donate $500 to your favorite charity.

9.       ___  I maintain that Mickey Mouse is a national hero.

10.   ___  I bless the two of you. (Said by a priest during the marriage ceremony)

11.   ___  I abbreviate the Committee for Untested Trials and Experiments as CUTE.

12.   ___  I beg you not to go out during this hurricane.

13.   ___  I curse the day you were born.

14.   ___  I name this dog Butchie.

15.   ___  I compliment you on your excellent choice of wine.

16.   ___  I predict that there will be a stock market crash later this year.

17.   ___  I acknowledge that I promised to take you to Las Vegas.

18.   ___  I implore you to leave that no-good husband of yours.

19.   ___  I require my students to do homework assignments.

20.   ___  I honor you for winning a gold metal in the Olympics.